RESTful API Tools

When first testing authentication and getting yourself familiar with our RESTful API, we recommend downloading and installing some tools that will make your life easier and will also allow you test the RESTful API's functioning endpoints.

Insomnia REST Client

Insomnia REST Client is a powerful HTTP and GraphQL tool that is compatible with Windows, Mac and Linux. Insomnia allows you to create HTTP requests, view response details and organize RESTful API Endpoints.

When we update and test our RESTful API at Medinformer we use Insomnia. We setup our solutions on our development enviroment, testing that all our responses work on the development server. When our RESTful API is working as intended we update to the live server and then test again by simply flipping the switch between the development server and the live server. As easily as just selecting the server from a drop down menu, absolute bliss. We can confirm that without Insomnia the development of our RESTful API would be a lot more complex and take up a lot more time.

Download our Insomnia export to help you get started.